Smoked Salmon with Avocado and Watercress
This is an ideal healthy keto breakfast. Few carbs, healthy fats, and lots of potassium and fibre. Moreover, smoked salmon contains quite a bit of salt, which can be beneficial on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids! This keto recipe is from a collaboration with the celebrated low-carb chef Pascale Naessens.
475 ml (70 g) watercress, thick stems removed or baby spinach
1 (200 g) avocado, sliced
300 g smoked salmon
2 tbsp chopped scallions
1 tbsp finely chopped, fresh dill
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp finely chopped, fresh chives (optional)
Arrange the watercress, avocado slices, and salmon on plates. Garnish with scallions, dill, and chives. For serving, drizzle olive oil on top, mostly over the watercress.