10 Awesome Tasting Heart-Healthy Food

Protecting your heart is important, no matter what age you are. Taking care of your heart lowers the risk of having heart disease and stroke. It will also get your body ready for healthy stuff like exercise and having a good night’s sleep.

Eating smart is one of the best ways to improve your health. Why is this so? Eating healthy will keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride under control. And just by adding a few healthy choices into your diet will help you achieve this.

These heart healthy foods are also delicious and versatile enough that you can use them in different ways. Having a healthy heart will protect you against aging, so although you may see short term benefits to eating healthy, there are long term benefits that you definitely need to take note of.

Here are the top 10 heart-healthy food that you need to have in your shopping list right now and keep as a staple in your fridge and pantries.

  1. Beets
    These contain vitamins and minerals plus heart healthy potassium and most importantly it’s high in dietary nitrate content. Dietary nitrates help dilate blood vessels which takes off the stress off your heart and improves blood pressure.

    Beet juice concentrate is the easiest way to get concentrated nitrates, but you can also cook them yourself. There are pre-cooked beets and beet powder that are available in your local grocery that you can add to your smoothies or oatmeal.

  2.  Tart Cherries
    These are rich in polyphenol antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Aside from this, they also have a positive effect on your blood cholesterol levels. If you do not like the juice, you can also use the frozen ones for smoothies or pies. You can also snack on the dried ones.

  3. Pistachios
    90% of the fats that are in pistachios are the good types of mono and polyunsaturated fats. If you want a tastier snacking experience, you can try the honey or chili roasted variants.

  4. Whole grains
    Incorporating whole grains into your diet reduces the risk of heart disease. Replacing refines grains with whole grains will reduce your triglycerides, and total and LDL cholesterol.

  5. Potatoes
    Potassium is important in controlling your blood pressure and potatoes offer more of this per serving that what you can get from a banana. You will be surprised that they are also a great source of Vitamin C.

  6. Oats
    The soluble fiber in oats helps lower LDL or bad cholesterol in your body. So make sure to eat a bowl of oatmeal a day or add it to your smoothies.

  7. Avocado
    It is recommended by the American Heart Association to include mono and polyunsaturated fat in your diet. Avocado mainly has monounsaturated and if you consume this instead of high saturated fat foods, you can maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

  8. Salmon
    It is recommended for each person to consume2 servings of fatty fish every week as this reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Think outside the box and find new ways to prepare salmon and don’t forget that using canned salmon is also ok

  9. Flaxseed
    This is high in fiber, omega 3 and phytochemicals that helps lower blood cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. You can include flaxseed in your yogurt, smoothies, pancakes, muffins, or waffles to get that extra fiber in your diet

  10. Beans
    Beans are nutritional powerhouses because it is loaded with fiber and nutrients that are healthy for your heart.


Low-carb coconut cream with berries


Salad in a jar